Jezzball Game Continue One More Level

This project has both a software component and a hardware component. The hardware will draw the points on the VGA. The software will determine where the mouse is, when it is clicked, which button was clicked, and determine the dynamics of the ball. Thus, the hardware has the written line generator and ball drawer state machine code and the VGA connected. The USB mouse and the brain behind the game are built into the software. To get Jezzball to work, the main tasks the code must be able to do are:
  1. Draw a line in opposite directions at the same time
  2. Draw the ball
  3. Erase the ball
  4. Calculate the movement of the ball
  5. Indicate when ball hits a boundary or a line
  6. Determine end of level or end of game
  7. Enable use of the USB mouse and its buttons
  8. Match the movement of the VGA cursor to the mouse movement
  9. Display the game on the VGA

Then all these tasks need to be integrated. Some of these tasks will need to be executed simultaneously (or appear that way); some may need to occur after another task is executed; and some may need to always run in the background. For example, the ball must continue to move while a line is being drawn. In another case, if one of the mouse buttons is clicked, the appropriate line must draw. Also, any changes to the mouse, movement or button click, must be continually polled and handled if occurred. Since some of the tasks are executed in hardware and some in software, there will need to be a bridge to connect the two parts together. A central processing unit will be built to communicate from one part to the other. Variables will be passed through this channel.

Most of the logic is written in software since hardware commands runs in parallel. All the value comparisons and ball dynamics is more appropriate in software; it can easily be handled the logic in software. However, building the line generator and ball drawer in hardware is fine because the speed of hardware can handle drawing. In addition, the line generator and ball drawer can be handled with a state machine. This project is similar to Fall 2007 ECE576 Lab 2: NiosII Graphics Interface. However, this final project was rebuilt separate from that lab.

To communicate between hardware and software, a NiosII processor needs to be created through SOPC builder. The SOPC builder is used with the current QuartusII CAD project to create the processing unit to transfer variables from the hardware to the software. Within the SOPC builder, the specific target hardware the project needs to build on needs to be specified as a Cyclone II family device. All the components the board will need to use, including the on-chip RAM memory, the LCD monitor, and USB interfaces, need to be added connected to the C program written in NiosII IDE needs to be indexed in the processor. The processing unit components used are listed in the below table:
Table 1: CPU modules in SOPC Builder
Module Name Description Type Data Size Function
cpu_0 NiosII Processor N/A N/A build processing unit - needed components connected
sdram_0 SDRAM Controller N/A 16 bits use SDRAM memory to store values
wideOut PIO (Parallel I/O) Output port 32 bits transfer line 1 pixel values - 30 bits used
wideOut1 PIO (Parallel I/O) Output port 32 bits transfer line 2 pixel values - 30 bits used
mouse_xy PIO (Parallel I/O) Output port 32 bits transfer location of mouse, (x,y) values - 10 bits each
ball_xy PIO (Parallel I/O) Output port 32 bits transfer ball location, (x,y) values - 10 bits each
Altera QuartusII is used for the hardware component of this project. The line generator and ball drawer are written here. The line generator handles two lines at a time to give an impression that they are being drawn at the same time. The point being drawn switches from being the next point on one line to the other, every cycle. For example, in the first cycle, the first point of line 1 will be drawn. In the second cycle, the first point of line 2 will be drawn. Cycle 3 will draw the second point of line 1, and so on. The ball is drawn and erased in every other state, except for when the line point is being drawn. In that case, the ball is neither drawn nor erased. This is due to the fact that only one point can be drawn to the VGA at one time.

The state machine build in verilog is structured in the following way:
--- The state machine starts at state 'new_walker', and initializes the end points of the lines being drawn and the location of the ball by retrieving those values from the variables passed in from software (see above table). The first ball is also drawn.
--- The next state, 'init', initializes temporary variables that hold the pixel value of the point that the line generator needs to draw next. In addition, the previously drawn ball is erased.
--- The state then goes directly into state 'test1', where the algorithm determines which line out of the two it is working on and whether that line is finished drawing.

  • If it is done drawing, the code needs to check whether the other line is also done.
    • If only the first line is done, the algorithm will loop back to this same state, 'test1', to work on the unfinished line.
    • If both are done, the state returns to 'new_walker', which completes this iteration of the cycle.
  • If the line is not done drawing, the code will determine which point it needs to draw next and goes into state 'test2'. The ball is also drawn in this state.
--- In 'test2' state, if the state machine is in sync, and thus lock is on, the next point of a line is drawn and state machine goes into 'update_walker' state. The previously drawn ball will be erased if a line was not drawn in 'test2' state and the state machine will then loop back to 'test1' to try to get back into sync with the lock variable.
--- If the state machine reaches 'update_walker', it means that a line point was just written to the VGA and needs to be updated. Knowing the direction of the line, the code will change the next point to be in the appropriate pixel location and send the state back into 'test1' and start this process over again in that state.
This state machine built in hardware is shown below.

Figure 1: State Machine to draw lines and points
[1.] Since verilog runs command in parallel, having multiple points, the ball and the lines, be drawn on the VGA at the same time is a problem. When a mouse button is clicked, the line should draw in both directions, either vertical or horizontal, to the boundary from that pixel point. However, because the board can operate faster than the eye can recognize change, the code can write one pixel at a time, but give the illusion that multiple points are being written at the same time. The point being drawn needs to oscillate from one end of the line to the other. In addition, the new pixel value of the ball needs to constantly be written to the VGA while the old pixel value is erased. Therefore, the line generator is now designed to always draw two line together in opposite direction. For every cycle of the state machine, the point drawn switches from one end of the line to the other. In the state machine, every other state either draws the ball or erases the old ball.

[2.] The resolution of the VGA, 640x480, was difficult to account for. To get the value 640, ten bits needs to be passed. However, SRAM can only take nine bits. Therefore, variables that hold the Y coordinate value has no problems since the maximum Y coordinate value will only go up to 480, which nine bits can handle. The variables for the X coordinate cannot handle values up to 640. The solution to this is taking the top nine bits for the X coordinate and the bottom nine bits for the Y coordinate, as shown below:

      addr_reg <= {Coord_X[9:1], Coord_Y[8:0]};

This will account for the non-symmetric resolution.

[3.]Sometimes, completely drawing the lines out to the boundaries can be a problem. The end points of the lines been drawn are sometimes unreliable or not as expected. The line generator had been tested while being programmed and succeeded in drawing multiple lines in both directions across the whole VGA. However, once embedded into the whole project, some unexpected behavior (drawing wrong end points) would occur occasionally. After analyzing the line generator state machine, this problem still could not be solved. Another possibility could have been an error in unexpected values being passed as end points to the line generator and not an error in the actual state machine itself. However, when testing that possibility, the variables passed to the line generator were correct. Problem in the VGA resolution was also considered in addition to a few other possibilities. No solution had been found for this problem.

The software is written in C code in Altera NiosII IDE. This project has been built off of the 'DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA' demonstration on the Altera Development and Education Board 2 CD or on Altera's website (it is in the zipped cd file).

The 'main' function in the software is in the hello_led.c file. All the .h header files and .c C code files are either in the software folder or ISP362 folder. However, the original code written by Altera is in the hello_led_0 folder. The main file that is worked with and holds the majority of the code relevant to the game is in the mouse.c file. In this file and the included files, the USB mouse is connected and activated. A function inside the PTD.c file, the function 'send_int' is called to continuously poll for any movement or clicking of the mouse. Within this function, the function, 'move_ball', that handles the movement and drawing command of the ball is called. Once the mouse event occurs, the 'send_int' function breaks out of a while loop and returns to 'play_mouse' function. This is where all the line and ball collision detection, location of mouse, update line end point variable values, determination of next level or end game, etc. occurs.

The dynamics, roaming area, and pixel location of the ball is determined in software. However, initial ball location on the VGA has been hardcoded into the hardware. Once the board is programmed, the hardware will pass the initial xy coordinates of the ball into the software through the variable ball_h2s. These right bit values picked out from this variable, as shown below:
      ballxy = IORD(BALL_H2S_BASE, 0);
      ballx = ((ballxy << 22) >> 22); // [9:0]
      bally = (((ballxy >> 10) << 22) >> 22); // [19:0]

Then, the software does some calculations to determine the next location of the ball. Since the bouncing ball follows a straight line path, the magnitude of dx and dy are constant. Therefore, the distance between the x coordinates of two consecutive points will not change, but the sign will depending on the direction the ball is travelling. This is the same with the y coordinate. So, if the ball hits the top or bottom boundaries, the ball's dy will change signs; if the ball hits the left or right boundaries, dx will change signs. This can be done through a few simple if statements. The newly computed xy coordinates is compressed into one variable to pass back the pixel location of the ball into the hardware to be drawn.
      cmdball = (ballx) | (bally << 10); // add 6 to offset x_corr
      IOWR(BALL_XY_BASE, 0, cmdball);

The drawn point is then passed back into software to repeat the process. MOUSE and LINES
The software continuously polls for any mouse activity. The algorithm is programmed to keep track of how much the mouse actually moves and which button is pressed. The number of x and y pixels the mouse has moved since the last update is added to the previous location, as shown below:

When a button is pressed, the variable B holds a value of 1 for the left mouse button and 2 for the right mouse button. The left button is programmed to send send the hardware a 'draw vertical line' command. Once a line is drawn, it will become a new appropriate boundary if it is within the roaming area of the ball. The right button is programmed for the horizontal line. When the line is drawing, it also checks if the next point is the same pixel as the ball. If it is, the program breaks out of the while loop and the game ends.

If the roaming area has been cut to a small enough by drawing the lines, the game will go onto the next level. The screen can be cleared using KEY[0] on the board. The next level will then require more of the area to be cut.

[1.]One of the difficulties was a random offset in the X coordinate on the VGA. The coordinates from the mouse would match the coordinates of the cursor on the VGA. However, when those coordinates were transferred over to QuartusII for the hardware to draw the line, the coordinates would be shifted. This can be taken care of by adding the offset to the pixel values being sent to the VGA. Through trial and error the offset is found to be a positive six pixels (6 pixels to the right).

[2.]Another problem was that the hardware is constantly calling the software. If any variables are given initial values, once the software is called again, the variables will be initialized again. Therefore, if any computation is done on those variables, they are not saved. To solve this problem, the new values of the variables can be sent to QuartusII through an output port, and then sent back to NiosII through an input port. Thus, the variables will be initialized with the values in the input port, in the variable 'ball_h2s' and not by a hardcoded value.

[3.]Since this project was build on the DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA Altera DE2 demos, understanding what the code does and determining locations events happen. In the most difficult case, the code in a do/while loop was not being run continuously. In context, the hardware would connect to software and run the main function. Within the main function, every code is run through once, including the mouse function call. Once in the mouse function, there is a while loop that runs. However, since another function (play_mouse) with a do/while loop that always repeats is called, the mouse function's while loop only runs once. Thus, it is the do/while loop in the play_mouse function that continues in a constant loop. Or rather, the do/while loop SHOULD continue to run in a constant loop. The code seems like it was written to trigger the do/while loop when the USB mouse was moved or clicked. However, after much further investigation, another function call, send_int, with a while loop was found within the play_mouse. This problem was solved by moving the code that should always be running in the background into the send_int function. However, to do this, all the variables used must be made into global variables. So, when other functions refer to those variables, they can register that the calculations have been done and be able to retrieve the values that have been updated.

[4.]Also this software cannot accurately detect every time the ball collides with an incomplete line. Therefore, the game does not always end when it should. This is a problem because the line generator state machine does not update the software that it is done drawing that line. Even if a bit was sent to software to notify a finished line, the software will have a difficult time distinguishing that bit from the bit resulting in the next cycle since the state machine continuously loops around circles.

Main Hardware Code

Main Software Code

Zipped Project

1. Download this zipped folder.
2. Unzip folder.
3. Run the QuartusII project file, which should have the hardware code linked above already loaded in. Compile the code.
4. Run NiosII IDE and set the workspace as the software folder and open the hello_led.c. Build the project.
5. Program the board in QuartusII.
6. Run the project in NiosII.


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